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Machine Description
The following is the information that was submitted for this machine:
submitter = Matteo Frigo
submitter email = PRIVATE
submitter organization = NONE
computer manufacturer = Sun
computer model = Enterprise 5000
CPU manufacturer = Sun
CPU model = UltraSPARC I
CPU speed = 167 MHz
RAM = 512 MB
L2 cache size =
operating system = SunOS xolas1.lcs.mit.edu 5.6_513079 SunOS_Development
C compiler = WorkShop Compilers 4.2 30 Oct 1996 C 4.2
C compiler flags = -native -fast -xO5 -dalign
Fortran compiler = WorkShop Compilers 4.2 30 Oct 1996 FORTRAN 77 4.2
Fortran compiler flags = -fast -native -dalign -libmil -xO5
remarks =
FFTW version = FFTW V2.0
floating-point precision = double
floating-point size = 8 bytes
1D Transforms, Powers of Two
1D Transforms, Non-Powers of Two
3D Transforms, Powers of Two
3D Transforms, Non-Powers of Two
1D Real Transforms, Powers of Two
1D Real Transforms, Non-Powers of Two
2D Real Transforms, Powers of Two
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