| Index Entry | | Section |
6 | | |
| 64-bit architecture: | | 64-bit Guru Interface |
| 64-bit architecture: | | 2d MPI example |
| 64-bit architecture: | | FFTW Fortran type reference |
A | | |
| advanced interface: | | Introduction |
| advanced interface: | | Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs |
| advanced interface: | | Row-major Format |
| advanced interface: | | Advanced Interface |
| advanced interface: | | Basic and advanced distribution interfaces |
| advanced interface: | | MPI Data Distribution Functions |
| advanced interface: | | MPI Plan Creation |
| algorithm: | | Introduction |
| alignment: | | Memory Allocation |
| alignment: | | Planner Flags |
| alignment: | | New-array Execute Functions |
| alignment: | | Using MPI Plans |
| alignment: | | Overview of Fortran interface |
| alignment: | | Allocating aligned memory in Fortran |
| AltiVec: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| AVX: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| AVX2: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| AVX512: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
B | | |
| basic interface: | | Introduction |
| basic interface: | | Tutorial |
| basic interface: | | Basic Interface |
| block distribution: | | MPI Data Distribution |
| block distribution: | | Basic and advanced distribution interfaces |
| block distribution: | | FFTW MPI Performance Tips |
C | | |
| C multi-dimensional arrays: | | Fixed-size Arrays in C |
| C++: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| C++: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| C++: | | Dynamic Arrays in C |
| C++: | | Complex numbers |
| C++: | | Memory Allocation |
| c2r: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| c2r: | | Planner Flags |
| c2r: | | Real-data DFTs |
| C99: | | Dynamic Arrays in C |
| C99: | | Complex numbers |
| C99: | | Precision |
| Caml: | | Generating your own code |
| Caml: | | Acknowledgments |
| code generator: | | Introduction |
| code generator: | | Generating your own code |
| codelet: | | Introduction |
| codelet: | | Installation and Customization |
| codelet: | | Generating your own code |
| codelet: | | Acknowledgments |
| collective function: | | 2d MPI example |
| collective function: | | FFTW MPI Wisdom |
| collective function: | | Avoiding MPI Deadlocks |
| collective function: | | Using MPI Plans |
| collective function: | | MPI Plan Creation |
| column-major: | | Column-major Format |
| column-major: | | Reversing array dimensions |
| column-major: | | Fortran-interface routines |
| column-major: | | Fortran Examples |
| compiler: | | Introduction |
| compiler: | | Installation and Customization |
| compiler: | | Installation on Unix |
| compiler: | | Cycle Counters |
| compiler flags: | | Installation on Unix |
| compiler flags: | | Installation on Unix |
| configuration routines: | | Wisdom Utilities |
| configure : | | Installation and Supported Hardware/Software |
| configure : | | FFTW MPI Installation |
| configure : | | Installation on Unix |
| cycle counter: | | Installation and Customization |
| cycle counter: | | Cycle Counters |
D | | |
| data distribution: | | Distributed-memory FFTW with MPI |
| data distribution: | | 2d MPI example |
| data distribution: | | MPI Data Distribution |
| data distribution: | | Multi-dimensional MPI DFTs of Real Data |
| data distribution: | | Basic distributed-transpose interface |
| data distribution: | | MPI Data Distribution Functions |
| DCT: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| DCT: | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
| DCT: | | 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs) |
| deadlock: | | Avoiding MPI Deadlocks |
| Devil: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| DFT: | | Introduction |
| DFT: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| DFT: | | The 1d Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) |
| DHT: | | The Discrete Hartley Transform |
| DHT: | | 1d Discrete Hartley Transforms (DHTs) |
| discrete cosine transform: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| discrete cosine transform: | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
| discrete cosine transform: | | 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs) |
| discrete Fourier transform: | | Introduction |
| discrete Fourier transform: | | The 1d Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) |
| discrete Hartley transform: | | The Discrete Hartley Transform |
| discrete Hartley transform: | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
| discrete Hartley transform: | | 1d Discrete Hartley Transforms (DHTs) |
| discrete sine transform: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| discrete sine transform: | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
| discrete sine transform: | | 1d Real-odd DFTs (DSTs) |
| dist: | | Advanced Complex DFTs |
| dist: | | Guru vector and transform sizes |
| DST: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| DST: | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
| DST: | | 1d Real-odd DFTs (DSTs) |
E | | |
| Ecclesiastes: | | Caveats in Using Wisdom |
| execute: | | Introduction |
| execute: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| execute: | | New-array Execute Functions |
F | | |
| FFTW: | | Introduction |
| fftw-wisdom utility: | | Caveats in Using Wisdom |
| fftw-wisdom utility: | | Wisdom Utilities |
| fftw-wisdom-to-conf utility: | | Wisdom Utilities |
| flags: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| flags: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| flags: | | Complex DFTs |
| flags: | | Real-data DFTs |
| flags: | | Real-to-Real Transforms |
| flags: | | Guru Complex DFTs |
| flags: | | Guru Real-data DFTs |
| flags: | | Guru Real-to-real Transforms |
| flags: | | Overview of Fortran interface |
| flags: | | FFTW Constants in Fortran |
| Fortran interface: | | Column-major Format |
| Fortran interface: | | FFTW MPI Fortran Interface |
| Fortran interface: | | Calling FFTW from Modern Fortran |
| Fortran interface: | | Calling FFTW from Legacy Fortran |
| Fortran-callable wrappers: | | Installation on Unix |
| frequency: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| frequency: | | The 1d Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) |
G | | |
| g77 : | | Installation on Unix |
| guru interface: | | Introduction |
| guru interface: | | Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs |
| guru interface: | | Guru Interface |
| guru interface: | | FFTW Fortran type reference |
| guru interface: | | Fortran-interface routines |
H | | |
| halfcomplex format: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| halfcomplex format: | | The Halfcomplex-format DFT |
| halfcomplex format: | | The 1d Real-data DFT |
| hc2r: | | The Halfcomplex-format DFT |
| hc2r: | | Planner Flags |
| HDF5: | | 2d MPI example |
| Hermitian: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| Hermitian: | | The 1d Real-data DFT |
| howmany loop: | | Guru vector and transform sizes |
| howmany parameter: | | Advanced Complex DFTs |
I | | |
| IDCT: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| IDCT: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| IDCT: | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
| IDCT: | | 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs) |
| in-place: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| in-place: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| in-place: | | Complex DFTs |
| in-place: | | Real-data DFTs |
| in-place: | | Real-data DFT Array Format |
| in-place: | | Real-to-Real Transforms |
| in-place: | | Guru Real-data DFTs |
| in-place: | | Guru Real-data DFTs |
| in-place: | | An improved replacement for MPI_Alltoall |
| in-place: | | Reversing array dimensions |
| in-place: | | FFTW Fortran type reference |
| installation: | | Installation and Customization |
| interleaved format: | | Interleaved and split arrays |
| iso_c_binding: | | FFTW MPI Fortran Interface |
| iso_c_binding: | | Overview of Fortran interface |
| iso_c_binding: | | Extended and quadruple precision in Fortran |
K | | |
| kind (r2r): | | More DFTs of Real Data |
| kind (r2r): | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
L | | |
| linking on Unix: | | Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW |
| linking on Unix: | | Linking and Initializing MPI FFTW |
| LISP: | | Acknowledgments |
| load balancing: | | Load balancing |
| load balancing: | | FFTW MPI Performance Tips |
M | | |
| monadic programming: | | Generating your own code |
| MPI: | | Distributed-memory FFTW with MPI |
| MPI: | | Installation on Unix |
| MPI communicator: | | Distributed-memory FFTW with MPI |
| MPI communicator: | | Using MPI Plans |
| MPI communicator: | | MPI Plan Creation |
| MPI communicator: | | FFTW MPI Fortran Interface |
| MPI I/O: | | 2d MPI example |
| MPI I/O: | | FFTW MPI Wisdom |
| mpicc : | | FFTW MPI Installation |
| mpicc : | | Linking and Initializing MPI FFTW |
N | | |
| new-array execution: | | New-array Execute Functions |
| new-array execution: | | Using MPI Plans |
| new-array execution: | | MPI Plan Creation |
| new-array execution: | | FFTW MPI Fortran Interface |
| normalization: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| normalization: | | Multi-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| normalization: | | The Halfcomplex-format DFT |
| normalization: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| normalization: | | The Discrete Hartley Transform |
| normalization: | | Complex DFTs |
| normalization: | | Real-data DFTs |
| normalization: | | Real-to-Real Transform Kinds |
| normalization: | | The 1d Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) |
| normalization: | | The 1d Real-data DFT |
| normalization: | | 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs) |
| normalization: | | 1d Real-odd DFTs (DSTs) |
| normalization: | | 1d Discrete Hartley Transforms (DHTs) |
| number of threads: | | How Many Threads to Use? |
O | | |
| OpenMP: | | Installation and Supported Hardware/Software |
| OpenMP: | | Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW |
| OpenMP: | | Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW |
| OpenMP: | | Thread safety |
| out-of-place: | | Planner Flags |
| out-of-place: | | Real-data DFT Array Format |
P | | |
| padding: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| padding: | | Multi-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| padding: | | Real-data DFTs |
| padding: | | Real-data DFT Array Format |
| padding: | | Multi-dimensional MPI DFTs of Real Data |
| padding: | | Reversing array dimensions |
| parallel transform: | | Multi-threaded FFTW |
| parallel transform: | | Distributed-memory FFTW with MPI |
| partial order: | | Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs |
| plan: | | Introduction |
| plan: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| planner: | | Introduction |
| portability: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| portability: | | Caveats in Using Wisdom |
| portability: | | Complex numbers |
| portability: | | Installation and Supported Hardware/Software |
| portability: | | Calling FFTW from Modern Fortran |
| portability: | | FFTW Fortran type reference |
| portability: | | Fortran-interface routines |
| portability: | | Fortran-interface routines |
| portability: | | Wisdom of Fortran? |
| portability: | | Installation and Customization |
| precision: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| precision: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| precision: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| precision: | | Precision |
| precision: | | Memory Allocation |
| precision: | | Linking and Initializing MPI FFTW |
| precision: | | MPI Files and Data Types |
| precision: | | Extended and quadruple precision in Fortran |
| precision: | | FFTW Fortran type reference |
| precision: | | Installation on Unix |
| precision: | | Installation on Unix |
| precision: | | Installation on Unix |
R | | |
| r2c: | | One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| r2c: | | The Halfcomplex-format DFT |
| r2c: | | Real-data DFTs |
| r2c: | | Multi-dimensional Transforms |
| r2c: | | MPI Plan Creation |
| r2c/c2r multi-dimensional array format: | | Multi-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data |
| r2c/c2r multi-dimensional array format: | | Real-data DFT Array Format |
| r2c/c2r multi-dimensional array format: | | Reversing array dimensions |
| r2c/c2r multi-dimensional array format: | | Fortran Examples |
| r2hc: | | The Halfcomplex-format DFT |
| r2r: | | More DFTs of Real Data |
| r2r: | | Real-to-Real Transforms |
| r2r: | | The 1d Real-data DFT |
| r2r: | | Other Multi-dimensional Real-data MPI Transforms |
| r2r: | | MPI Plan Creation |
| rank: | | Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs |
| real-even DFT: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| real-even DFT: | | 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs) |
| real-odd DFT: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| real-odd DFT: | | 1d Real-odd DFTs (DSTs) |
| REDFT: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| REDFT: | | 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs) |
| REDFT: | | Generating your own code |
| RODFT: | | Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms) |
| RODFT: | | 1d Real-odd DFTs (DSTs) |
| row-major: | | Row-major Format |
| row-major: | | Complex DFTs |
| row-major: | | Real-to-Real Transforms |
| row-major: | | Guru vector and transform sizes |
| row-major: | | Basic and advanced distribution interfaces |
| row-major: | | Multi-dimensional MPI DFTs of Real Data |
| row-major: | | Reversing array dimensions |
S | | |
| saving plans to disk: | | Words of Wisdom-Saving Plans |
| saving plans to disk: | | Wisdom |
| saving plans to disk: | | FFTW MPI Wisdom |
| saving plans to disk: | | Accessing the wisdom API from Fortran |
| shared-memory: | | Multi-threaded FFTW |
| SIMD: | | Complex One-Dimensional DFTs |
| SIMD: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| SIMD: | | Overview of Fortran interface |
| split format: | | Interleaved and split arrays |
| SSE: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| SSE2: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
| stride: | | Row-major Format |
| stride: | | Advanced Complex DFTs |
| stride: | | Guru vector and transform sizes |
| stride: | | MPI Plan Creation |
T | | |
| thread safety: | | Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW |
| thread safety: | | Thread safety |
| thread safety: | | Combining MPI and Threads |
| threads: | | Multi-threaded FFTW |
| threads: | | Thread safety |
| threads: | | Combining MPI and Threads |
| threads: | | Installation on Unix |
| transpose: | | Transposed distributions |
| transpose: | | Multi-dimensional MPI DFTs of Real Data |
| transpose: | | FFTW MPI Transposes |
| transpose: | | FFTW MPI Performance Tips |
| transpose: | | Combining MPI and Threads |
| transpose: | | MPI Plan Creation |
V | | |
| vector: | | Guru Interface |
| VSX: | | SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc |
W | | |
| wisdom: | | Words of Wisdom-Saving Plans |
| wisdom: | | Wisdom |
| wisdom: | | FFTW MPI Wisdom |
| wisdom: | | Accessing the wisdom API from Fortran |
| wisdom, problems with: | | Caveats in Using Wisdom |
| wisdom, system-wide: | | Caveats in Using Wisdom |
| wisdom, system-wide: | | Wisdom Import |